UK Government's Push Against Privacy Forces Apple to Disable Encryption

Apple disables encryption in the UK following government pressure for backdoors. As big tech retreats from privacy promises, Cryptee remains committed to providing secure, encrypted storage without compromises.

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Cryptee Joins EDRi, Nextcloud, & 40+ Organizations in Standing Up to Bullying by Big Tech

Cryptee Joins EDRi, Nextcloud, & 40+ Organizations in Standing Up to Bullying by Big Tech

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Cryptee Joins EFF, Vivaldi, Threema, ARTICLE 19, Coalition for App Fairness & 30+ Organizations in Calling Out Big Tech's Evasion of the Digital Markets Act

Cryptee Joins EFF, Vivaldi, Threema, ARTICLE 19, Coalition for App Fairness & 30+ Organizations in Calling Out Big Tech's Digital Markets Act Evasion

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Cryptee now supports RAW photos from Nikon, Canon, Sony, Fuji and more + you can now add comments to Docs

Cryptee now supports RAW photo formats from all cameras like Nikon, Canon, Sony, Fuji and more + you can now add comments to Documents

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In an open letter, Cryptee, EDRi, EFF, Tuta, Wikimedia and a broad coalition of other organizations warn of EU Council's "Going Dark" Report

In an open letter, Cryptee, EDRi, EFF, Tuta, Wikimedia and a broad coalition of other organizations warn of EU Council's "Going Dark" Report

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Tons of small new features, faster downloads, more photo sorting + filtering options, new file formats & more!

Tons of small new features, faster downloads, more photo sorting + filtering options, ProRAW support & more!

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Talking about Privacy, PWAs, Protecting People ... and Pianos with Vivaldi Browser on their podcast.

Cryptee's Founder & CEO John Ozbay on Vivaldi Browser's Podcast : "For a Better Web", talking about Privacy, PWAs, Protecting People ... and Pianos!

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Cryptee, EDRi, F-Droid, Free Software Foundation Europe, and others sent a joint submission to European Commission on Apple's DMA non-compliance

Cryptee, EDRi, F-Droid, Free Software Foundation Europe, and others sent a joint submission to European Commission on Apple's DMA non-compliance

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Document templates, massive performance improvements & more!

Document templates, massive performance improvements, and tons of small new features in Cryptee Docs!

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Faster uploads, smarter paste, discounts and more!

Discounts, smarter & less annoying paste, 6x faster document save/uploads, 2x faster photo uploads and more!

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2x Memory Efficient Encryption & More!

2x memory efficient encryption, bug fixes & more!

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After hearing concerns from Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy, and others, EU opens a DMA investigation into Apple

After hearing concerns from Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy, and others, EU opens a DMA investigation into Apple

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Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy & EU vs Apple: Part 2

Together with the Open Web Advocacy (OWA) group, we stopped Apple from killing web apps like Cryptee in the EU. But the fight continues.

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Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy & EU vs Apple

Apple is trying to kill web apps in the EU, and we need your help to stop them together with Open Web Advocacy group.

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2FA, RAW photos support for Leica & Hasselblad Cameras, TIFF, DNG, WEBP support and more!

Introducing multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA), RAW photos support for Leica & Hasselblad Cameras, TIFF, DNG, WEBP support and more!

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A New Home

Say hello to a new home screen, focus mode, massive performance improvements, faster uploads, new customization options and more!

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You can now upload Videos and Large Files up to 500mb-per-file to Cryptee!

You can now upload Videos and Large Files up to 500mb-per-file to Cryptee, and use Cryptee even on e-ink e-book readers like PocketBook!

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Default Fonts, Separate, Faster Apps, Native features & more!

Introducing default fonts, rolling out separate apps for Cryptee Docs & Photos, native share popups, countless other small improvements, bug-fixes and more!

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March 2022 Updates

Introducing new search engine for Cryptee Docs, better photo library management tools, countless other small improvements, bug-fixes and more!

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Hello 2022. New year, new features!

Introducing photo descriptions, editable photo dates, a dropdown for our file-viewer, text positioning on mobile, improvements to our PDF viewer, countless other improvements, hundreds of bug-fixes and more!

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Paper-Mode, PDF Editing, Encrypted PDF Exports & More!

Introducing print-accurate paper-mode, pdf editing, pdf sandboxing, encrypted pdf exports, and more to Cryptee Docs!

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Cryptee Docs Editor v3.1

Cryptee Docs gets a major editor update for mobile devices! We call it v3.1!

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Summer Updates

Cryptee's new summer update is here, and comes with the ability to let Cryptee remember your key, access recent documents quickly, line-spacing, in-app tips and more!

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Tags in Cryptee Photos!

Starting today, you can tag & search for your photos in Cryptee Photos, all privately & using natural language.

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You can now open, edit and save .DOCX files in Cryptee Docs!

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Cryptee Version 3.0 is here! Say hello to a new Cryptee! This is the biggest update to Cryptee ever since its launch!

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Tables, Helpdesk 2.0 and more!

Cryptee Docs now supports tables, and we have a brand new helpdesk where you can find the answers to most of your questions!

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Natural Language Search, EPub / Ebook Support, Undo history settings and more!

This Cryptee update brings Intelligent Natural Language Search for Photos, iOS 13.4 Mouse support, Epub / Ebook support, sorting files by types and more!

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Sub-Folders, Photos Timeline, Faster Encryption / Decryption & more!

Cryptee Photos now has a timeline, and you can now have sub-folders in Cryptee Docs!

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Favorite Photos, .Docx Files & More!

You can now favorite your photos, export DOCX files and more in Cryptee!

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A Dark Autumn Update

All Cryptee apps now support Dark Mode. If you're a night owl, or simply wish to join the dark side, you can now do that.

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Fonts. GIFs. Document Locks.

After a long, busy and hot summer, it's time for another big update packed with new features you've been waiting for!

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Improvements to Cryptee Photos

After we've announced our new plans, signups have increased by 300%, and Cryptee's growing at a pace like never before. So we thought it's best to bring some new features and updates to Cryptee Photos to help you deal with your large photo libraries.

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Cryptee 1st Year Update + New Plans & Prices

A year ago this week, Cryptee launched with a big mission, and it's been a fantastic first year. To celebrate the first year, we've packed tons and tons of new stuff into this update. So much so that, one could call this a version 2.0!

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Cryptee's cloud infrastructure is patched & protected from the speculative "ZombieLoad" attack

A newly discovered security flaw in Intel processors allows hackers to steal any data that’s been recently accessed by the processor. Cryptee's cloud infrastructure is patched & protected from the speculative "ZombieLoad" attack

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May Features Update

This month's update brings a few widely requested new features, performance improvements for Photos, lots of bug fixes, and some under-the-hood preparations for the upcoming month's big update.

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April Performance Update

This was a busy month for Cryptee's development. This update comes packed with fantastic new features, improvements, changes and performance boosts. So much so that, there was no way to fit all these changes into the tiny news box on the homepage anymore.

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Finally, Cryptee has a blog

You can now read news and updates about Cryptee here on our blog!

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