UK Government's Push Against Privacy Forces Apple to Disable Encryption

Apple disables encryption in the UK following government pressure for backdoors. As big tech retreats from privacy promises, Cryptee remains committed to providing secure, encrypted storage without compromises.

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Cryptee Joins EDRi, Nextcloud, & 40+ Organizations in Standing Up to Bullying by Big Tech

Cryptee Joins EDRi, Nextcloud, & 40+ Organizations in Standing Up to Bullying by Big Tech

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Cryptee Joins EFF, Vivaldi, Threema, ARTICLE 19, Coalition for App Fairness & 30+ Organizations in Calling Out Big Tech's Evasion of the Digital Markets Act

Cryptee Joins EFF, Vivaldi, Threema, ARTICLE 19, Coalition for App Fairness & 30+ Organizations in Calling Out Big Tech's Digital Markets Act Evasion

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In an open letter, Cryptee, EDRi, EFF, Tuta, Wikimedia and a broad coalition of other organizations warn of EU Council's "Going Dark" Report

In an open letter, Cryptee, EDRi, EFF, Tuta, Wikimedia and a broad coalition of other organizations warn of EU Council's "Going Dark" Report

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Talking about Privacy, PWAs, Protecting People ... and Pianos with Vivaldi Browser on their podcast.

Cryptee's Founder & CEO John Ozbay on Vivaldi Browser's Podcast : "For a Better Web", talking about Privacy, PWAs, Protecting People ... and Pianos!

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Cryptee, EDRi, F-Droid, Free Software Foundation Europe, and others sent a joint submission to European Commission on Apple's DMA non-compliance

Cryptee, EDRi, F-Droid, Free Software Foundation Europe, and others sent a joint submission to European Commission on Apple's DMA non-compliance

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After hearing concerns from Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy, and others, EU opens a DMA investigation into Apple

After hearing concerns from Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy, and others, EU opens a DMA investigation into Apple

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Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy & EU vs Apple: Part 2

Together with the Open Web Advocacy (OWA) group, we stopped Apple from killing web apps like Cryptee in the EU. But the fight continues.

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Cryptee, Open Web Advocacy & EU vs Apple

Apple is trying to kill web apps in the EU, and we need your help to stop them together with Open Web Advocacy group.

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