In Northern Europe, where Cryptee is based, very soon days will start getting darker and darker to a point where there are mere few hours of sunlight left for each day.
This update prepares Cryptee for the dark nordic winter ahead.

Dark Mode. Finally.
That's right. All Cryptee apps now support Dark Mode. If you're a night owl, or simply wish to join the dark side, you can now do that.
Head over to Settings > App Preferences, and join the dark side!
Today Apple will release iOS 13, and if you've already downloaded the new operating system, you're in luck! Cryptee will follow iOS 13's new system dark mode theme and dark-mode preferences. So while Cryptee is open, if you change your iOS device's theme to Dark Mode / Light Mode from your Control Center, Cryptee will follow along and automatically match your system's theme.
Enough said. Here are some screenshots!

Search just got better.
Cryptee Docs now has an even more advanced Search.
Search will now return much better and more relevant results, categorize them by tags, and even show you folders.
You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard and press return to quickly open the results.
Or select multiple documents by clicking on their icons, and take actions on multiple results.
And even right click on any of your search results, documents or folders to take all sorts of actions.
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Improved File & PDF Viewer
The attachment viewer in Cryptee Docs is now faster with larger PDF files, and it's got a face-lift. You can now open much more complex PDF documents, search pages for text content in the open PDFs, see all pages, chapters, print just the PDF, see the PDF full screen, or more. Here's how it looks like!

Docs Performance.
This update brings massive performance improvements to Cryptee Docs, especially to cold start-up times. This update improves cold start-up times by 10x to 100x depending on how many documents / files you have, and introduces new settings to further tune your Cryptee Docs performance according to your needs.
Here's how we managed to achieve these speed improvements.
In the past Cryptee Docs used to decrypt all filenames, folder-names and document names during start-up, which was why cold start-ups were slow.
After asking a large portion of our beta users & pro users with thousands of documents, we've discovered that almost everyone seems to access documents & files newer than 6 months. And everyone agreed that it's okay to wait an extra second to decrypt a bunch of filenames if the documents or files are older than 6 months.
So starting with this update, Cryptee will only decrypt the filenames of your folders and most recent documents. All other / older filenames will be decrypted when you open the folders containing them. This will result in a second or two lost while opening folders containing files older than a few months, but after beta testing this feature for a month, we've measured that, every day, on average, this will save you a minute or two in total. In short, while folders with older files will take an extra second or two to load, everything else will load much more faster.
We also didn't want to be the authority to decide what's "recent", since we know that "recent" can mean a lot of things. 1 month, 6 months or even a year. So you can now adjust how far back you'd like your "Recent Documents" to go from your Docs Preferences from your Account Settings. Needless to say the shorter your timeframe is, the faster Cryptee Docs will start.
Markdown Export.
Many of you have been requesting a way to export your documents to Markdown format. This update makes that possible. Well... Kind of...
Markdown as a format have lots of shortcomings. It doesn't natively support many of Cryptee's features, like tags, linking/attaching to other documents, or even things like custom colors, KaTeX math and a few other things. Therefore when you export a Cryptee Document as a Markdown file, all these will be lost. So we thought it's best to label this feature "Beta" for the time being, and see if this fits your needs. Please let us know how we can improve this, and we'll try our best to make things more cross-compatible.
Other Improvements, Bugfixes & Closing Notes
This update also fixes hundreds of bugs and brings other much needed cosmetic improvements.
Thank you for all your enthusiasm, help, understanding and kind support. We wouldn't be able to do this without you. If you're enjoying your experience on Cryptee, please consider supporting it by upgrading to a paid plan. It will help Cryptee immensely, and every payment helps us make the internet that much more safer and private.